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How to Get Rid of Pigeons Without Hurting Them?

Mackenzie Gary

Pigeons, Get rid of birds


Pigeons in the park are often beautiful to behold. They are known in the pest control industry as “flying rats” and they spread disease. Pigeons are a hazard, especially around buildings. They do not build beautiful nests like other birds do. Their main habitat is nesting in the rafters. They chip the insulation way and defecate on everything, and that’s just plain trouble. Apart from being annoying, they can also carry parasites.

How to get rid of pigeons without hurting them

Various methods are used to prevent pigeons from settling, but none are truly effective. There are a variety of things you can use to get rid of them. If you are worried about pigeons and want to get rid of them without hurting them, read the tips below. This article gives you different ways to solve your pigeon problem. Some of them are mentioned below; Sometimes, we may use a combination of them to get better results.

  • Use spikes and nets
  • Build a cage over the hoppers
  • Reducing the population
  • Stop feeding
  • Eliminate food sources
  • Use predator birds – Fake plastic owl/eagle/snake
  • Using ultrasonic devices -Sonic Net Technology
  • Make Unappealing areas
  • Block every place they can build a nest.
  • Use of salt guns
  • Recorded hawk calls
  • Ensure trash & garbage is covered
  • Bulls-eye Targets
  • Use contraceptive pigeon roosts
  • Try a flashing, strobe-type light
  • Use of plastic needles on a sheet
  • Standard water hose


1-Use spikes and nets

Bird spikes are very effective in getting rid of pigeons. Do not provide a place to land if the bird tries to sit on it, it will fail. As if they try to forcefully sit on it, it may hurt them. It can solve 95% of your problem. The main problem you face is where to put them.

Where to put bird spikes? You should find a place that is a hotspot for landing. High places near CCTV cameras, roofs, walls or solar panels. This will prevent them from landing and stop them.

Installing a spike can cost you more money. As you need more spikes, more glue and adhesive and more money to put on the roof. But it’s a one-time investment and can work for years.

There are two types of spikes plastic and steel. You can use both but these metal steel spikes are recommended by me and recommended adhesion on amazon is here. This is easy and safe way to get rid of them

2-Use trap

A simple and easy way to keep these pests out of your property is to use a cage net. It is time consuming but works 100%. Although you may not be able to capture all the pigeons in your area that are nesting in your building.

All you have to do is place a cage in an open area. Place some food and seeds in the cage. Once a pigeon enters there is no way back. As soon as one enters, the other will follow in his footsteps. Once all the pigeons are caught in the net. You can call the authorities and give them the trash.

Choosing the right cage is also important. Choosing the wrong product can cost you money. I have already written a very helpful post about the best traps available in the market. Also explained are some useful tips that can increase your trapping time. You can read it here,

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Now, if the problem is on the sides of the building, pigeons will often be sitting on the pipes under the hoppers they are known to nest in the hoppers. When this happens, it can cause serious structural damage to your property as the water will run off and then seep into the house.

Then it would be best if you build a cage over the hoppers, which is probably done by professional pest control companies.

3-Birth Control

This is one of the best ways to control the growing pest population. Pigeons breed very rapidly, up to six times a year. Controlling their population is a good but long-term plan. It is easy to control their development if the government officially announces it.

In this method, pigeons are fed a chemical ingredient through an automatic feeder. These feeders are placed on the roofs. These chemically treated eggs do not fertilize and do not hatch thermophiles. Thus the birth rate is controlled by the use of chemicals.

I personally don’t recommend it because of the other birds. Other birds in search of water may drink from the feeder and eventually become infertile. Even if we look at it humanly, this is not a good way to stop them.

4-Never feed them or allow bird feeders to remain on your property.

If there is food, there are pigeons all around. They roam around the cities just for food. Almost everything from fast food to seeds. The more food you have on your roof or among neighbors, the more likely you will attract these innocent-looking insects.

Contact the local municipality if someone starts feeding pigeons near your residence or business. Please make sure that there is no food material or food available for them in your area. Keep the area clean.

5-Eliminate food sources

Food sources for pigeons may include the berries of pyrrhic and grass seeds of bushes or olive trees. Dog or cat food left out. If the seed is not germinating, eliminating or controlling, try not to continuously seed the lawn. Their restriction from food sources will reduce the number of pigeons.

6-Use predator birds

We can use predators like hawks or owls decoys to scare the pigeons away. Unless you own a real bird of prey, however, you’ll have to resort to plastic or concrete statues of owls or hawks. Place them where pigeons usually roost. Once the pigeons get used to them, the presence of a dumb and motionless statue cannot work for long.

You can have a replica of an eagle (or any local bird of prey that eats pigeons). Make sure not to place it on the ceiling in any way. Try hanging it from something to watch it “move” when the wind blows. The pigeon is smart. You can’t bluff them with hard copy.

7-Eliminate pigeons using ultrasonic devices

If you find it challenging to get rid of them. The ultrasonic devices have been found to work well in lofts or high ceilings of warehouses, dry docks or other large indoor areas with high spaces.

There are different settings and frequencies for different animals.

This technology is not used to scare pigeons. This is to prevent pigeons from flying into the target area at relevant times. This technology also affects other birds and many animals like deer, goat etc. It’s like talking in a crowded room where it’s hard to hear. Since they cannot understand each other, they go somewhere.

8-Make Unappealing areas

Make it uncomfortable for pigeons to land in designated areas. Spike strips can be installed where pigeons land to retrieve it. Reinforce the waterproof sting to make it harder for them to survive in their nesting areas. This will make it more difficult for them to balance, and will force them to find another place.

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9-Block every place they can build a nest.

Pigeons are very persistent and once they decide to nest somewhere, they keep coming back. Try to block every conceivable place in the eaves (and there were many) and they still try to turn themselves.

They come every now and then to see if there is an empty spot or a place to nest. Also find out if any of your neighbors are feeding them. If so, you may have to attack the neighbor. Remove all nesting areas, and if you have small alcoves, perches that will attract pigeons to the nest – block them with cement mix or wood.

10-Use salt guns

Consider using one of those salt guns that are used on flies. These can be beneficial but not so much.

11-Recorded hawk calls

Hawks are pigeon hunters. Their population is also increasing in cities because of the food they get (pigeons). Pigeons are afraid of them. Whenever they see them, they just run away. Hawk Call is an interesting idea, and it won’t be difficult to use.

You can also buy the hawk replica and place speakers having hawk voices in it. It is worth trying to install reflective tape noise devices or foil balloons and scare away the pigeons in tandem.

12- Use Bulls-eye Targets

You can use bull’s eye cards to scare away pigeons. Hang one or two of these near where the pigeons can see them, which will scare them away. Hang these boards/cards in places where pigeons can see them. Pigeons see them as big scary eyes and stay away. The ceiling is the perfect place to install these painted cardboards.

13-Use contraceptive pigeon roosts

Many French towns now have contraceptive pigeon houses. These wooden huts are installed in public parks, giving pigeons easy access to dry, comfortable, quiet docks where they can live, nest and lay their eggs.

The eggs are then removed. Over a period of time the result is a massive decline in the pigeon population and a corresponding reduction in cleaning bills for public buildings. No bird is poisoned, shot or otherwise harmed. I don’t know what they do with the eggs, but there’s no reason not to eat them.

14-Try a flashing, strobe-type light

Try to mount high a strobe-type, flashing light in your farm building near the pigeon’s perch environment. Pigeons may get scared of these reflecting flashlights.

15-Use of plastic needles on a sheet

You will get plastic needles on a sheet. Try to fix these on the railings, edges of the balconies and window sills. These will prevent them from landing in these areas. These are inexpensive.


Pigeons do not like strong aromatic spices such as cumin, black pepper, onion, chili, garlic, cinnamon and Tabasco. Perhaps the easiest and cheapest way to deter pigeons from roosting and nesting on your property is to coat them with spices.

Even so, these repellants cannot guarantee keeping pigeons on the bay tree. Whenever it rains, thunders or winds blow, these pungent spices need to be put down again and again.

17-Use a standard water hose

You can likewise utilize a garden hose as a weapon in the fight against pigeons. The feathered creatures detest it if there is a solid stream of water coordinated onto them. It would be best if you did this for some time, so they know. It works every time.


City pigeons are not the best to eat because they can develop resistance to poisons and their eating habits can potentially lead to lethal doses and high levels of lead. Never use polybutylene gel. Sticky gel repellents made from polybutylene can harm all birds and any animals they come into contact with. These dangerous repellents are to be avoided at all costs.

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Any bird that comes into contact with the thick, sticky gel will have damaged feathers, interfering with their ability to fly and remain waterproof. These gel repellents are not selective. Other birds are likely to land on the prison, become trapped and slowly die. Polybutylene gels are particularly harmful to small species.

Why is pigeon control necessary?

Pigeon droppings are damaging to roofs, monuments and public spaces. The uric acid (white material) in their droppings is not only unsightly, it can damage the finish of buildings, vehicles, etc. Harmful fungal and bacterial materials that are potentially harmful to humans are present in these droplets.

Some of the diseases they cause include histoplasmosis, cryptococcal cytacosis and striatal encephalitis. A costly problem for warehouse management can arise when these pigeons build nests in warehouses and urinate on these stored goods. These stored items then become contaminated and are of no use. So their customer’s retailers refused to accept the contaminated goods, resulting in substantial losses for the owners.

Does federal law protect pigeons?

Pigeons are not protected by federal law, however, so you should consult your state team’s guidelines regarding their conservation status and what methods of bird control are allowed before taking action against them. This article explains different methods to consider using depending on your specific situation.

Do pigeons carry diseases?

Pigeons can cause many human diseases. Their feathers and urine can transmit diseases to the human population. Today, in towns, they carry bird droppings that can cause other pest problems.

People should avoid contact with any animal droppings, practice good general hygiene, such as hand washing, and leave shoes at the door. These are appropriate precautions if you accidentally come into contact with animal droppings.

Why is it terrible to kill pigeons with poison?

For example, if poisoned pigeons can be eaten by domestic pets or other wildlife birds, animals and pets, it can kill the unintended organism. Therefore, poisoning pigeons can be indirectly harmful to other pets and birds. This can cause them