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How to keep sparrows away from your houses?

Mackenzie Gary

Get rid of birds


Sparrows are the most widespread creatures that can have both positive and negative effects on your property such as houses, yards, barns, etc. – Producing agents. So it is important to keep sparrows away from your home to prevent damage from this invasive species.

Thankfully, here are some impressive techniques that can keep your house safe by driving away the sparrows.

  • Put bird nets in your house.
  • Remove nesting materials and block nesting sites.
  • Remove food source from home.
  • Avoid putting sparrows’ favorite food in the feeder.
  • Make water baths in your home unattractive to sparrows.
  • Place a motion-activated sprinkler in your home.
  • Scaring birds with wind chimes.
  • Install bird spikes to prevent birds from landing.
  • Scare the birds by hanging scary balloons in your house.

Place the bird traps in your house:

Bird netting is a great way to keep sparrows away from your home. Traps vary greatly in size and material. They are designed in such a way that they open and close automatically as birds enter them.

You can choose the size according to the number of birds you want to trap. Additionally, make sure your netting is escape proof and can be used multiple times to trap sparrows.

Take a net and place it in an area of the house where sparrows frequent. Make the net more attractive by adding sparrows’ favorite food and water. We know that sparrows are primarily concerned with food, so sparrows enter webs to get food.

As soon as they enter, the opening of the trap closes and they have no way out of the trap. After catching it, take the trap to a remote area and open it to get rid of the sparrows.

Remove the nesting material and block nesting sites:

The presence of nests and nesting materials is a major reason behind the presence of sparrows in your home. If sparrows are constantly flitting around a particular spot in your home, it could be a sign that they are trying to build a nest in that spot.

Birds often make nests in roof corners, vents, cracks and gutters. If you find nesting material, it is your responsibility to remove it immediately to get rid of the sparrows.

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Remove an inactive nest with gloved hands and put the nesting material in a closed trash can. If you keep these areas open, then the same areas are likely to rebuild nests. To overcome this problem, you need to block these areas.

Commonly used materials for their barrier are hardware cloth and mesh. This effectively prevents bird entry and rebuilding of nests.

Remove the food source from the house:

As we discussed earlier, the presence of food material in the house is a major reason behind the presence of birds. Sparrows constantly visit the place where they can find food. Moreover, the presence of food encourages them to nest in the nearby area which can adversely affect your home.

The only way to keep sparrows out of your home in this situation is to remove food and feeders. Place the feeder in an open area away from your home. When the birds find the feeder, they will eat and do not go home to look for food.

Hence, your home is protected from sparrows and their droppings thereby automatically creating a hygienic environment in the home.

Avoid putting sparrows’ favorite food in the feeders:

Filling the feeder with the bird’s favorite food encourages them to visit the feeder. Thus, you should carefully fill your feeder with food material. If you want to keep sparrows away from the feeder, never put their favorite food in it.

Sorghum and cracked corn are among the most preferred foods of sparrows. So when sparrows find this type of food, they immediately come to the feeder to eat it.

Instead of adding millet and cracked corn, fill the feeder with suet, chopped peanuts, black oil sunflower seeds and nyjer seeds. Sparrows dislike this type of food and leave it in the feeder without tasting it. When sparrows can’t find their favorite food in your home feeder, they fly away from your home to find their favorite food.

Make water baths in your house unattractive for sparrows:

Like food, the presence of water attracts sparrows. Sparrows love to bathe in water baths or fountains near your home, especially in the summer. Water is also necessary to quench their thirst. Hence, water baths and fountains act as inviting spots for bird watching.

To ensure the absence of sparrows, remove fountains and water baths from or around your home.

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If you are not ready to remove them, make them uncomfortable and unpleasant for the birds. Sparrows like the even base of the water bath and like to stay on it for a long time. Add gravel to the water bath to kill sparrows.

This creates an uneven surface and birds may feel uncomfortable when they land on them. Therefore, the birds move away from this water bath to find another water bath with a comfortable surface.

Place a motion-activated sprinkler in your house:

A motion activated sprinkler is an ideal way to keep sparrows away from your property, including houses. There are several motion activated sprinklers available in the market that work to repel unwanted animals and birds.

As the name suggests, these sprinklers detect the movement of birds like sparrows and spray water towards them. For non-stop operation, you can opt for a sprinkler that is charged by solar panels.

Place a sprinkler, preferably on the roof or outside of the house where it can receive direct sunlight. As the birds approach it, it immediately detects their movement and automatically sprays them with water. It sprays water for several miles which means it can effectively repel sparrows at a distance. This way the birds avoid coming near your house.

Scare the birds with windchimes:

Using wind chimes to scare away sparrows is a great way to keep them away from homes. The best thing about using them is that they not only prevent sparrows but also act as a decorative item in homes.

They vary greatly in colors, materials, sizes, and patterns. You can choose the wind chime according to your taste. The hanging pieces of windchimes collide with each other to produce a strong sound when they are exposed to high-velocity winds.

This sound is soothing to humans but extremely distressing to sparrows.

For best results, hang wind chimes in a place where they can easily get air. For this purpose you can hang them near doors, windows or any open space. They make sound when air hits them. This sound acts as a scarecrow to the sparrows who in turn fly away from your home area.

Install bird spikes to prevent sparrows from landing:

Preventing sparrows from landing can help keep them away from your home. The most recommended product used to deter all types of bird landings is bird spikes. Bird spikes are small needle-like rods attached to a flat rod-like plate.

They are usually made of metal and plastic and create a perch when birds land on them. They are generally harmless, non-toxic and easy to install.

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Before installing, clean the surface. The spikes are installed with either screws or adhesive. Place the spikes and screws through their holes and tighten them. You can also attach them to the underside of its base plate. This will provide additional maintenance and prevent the spikes from moving due to wind.

Scare the birds by hanging scare balloons in your house:

Scare balloons act as a visual barrier that scares away sparrows away from your home. They are balloons with bright colors and large predatory eyes. They are usually surrounded by a reflective coating that reflects light when it hits it. You can use them indoors and outdoors to repel sparrows.

You can easily hang the balloons with the help of the eyelets on top of them. They are usually made of durable plastic and are weather resistant. When birds come into contact with these balloons, they may be frightened by the predator’s eyes.

They can sense the presence of predators. Additionally, the reflection created by the reflective covering distracts the birds. As a result, the sparrows will fly away immediately without destroying your home.