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How to get rid of sparrows from feeders?

Mackenzie Gary

Get rid of birds


Keeping expensive birds in your home, yard or garden may seem easy but you may face some difficulties. For example, the food of these birds is much more expensive than sparrows. So, if you put this feed in the feeder, the sparrows can eat it in no time. Therefore, you should take precautions to keep sparrows away from the feeder

Some key effective tips are summarized below to effectively keep sparrows away from feeders.

  • Remove nesting sites near feeders.
  • Use bird-proof feeders.
  • Avoid putting sparrows’ favorite food in the feeder.
  • Keep bird food away from feeders.
  • Birds are scared away by their predator’s rotten kites.
  • Remove dust and water baths.
  • Install the bird alarm call generator.

Both effort and appropriate application methods are essential to reduce a problem. Otherwise getting rid of a particular problem is just a silly idea. You can successfully keep sparrows away from the feeder by following the simple and easy tricks discussed above.

Remove bird nests and nesting sites near feeders:

Removing sparrow nests and nesting sites is an effective way to protect your feeders from sparrows. The presence of sparrow nests in your yard or garden is the main reason for the presence of large numbers of sparrows. They visit areas near their nest to find food. Once they find food, they continue to eat that food.

Thus, the best option is to remove all nests and nesting sites in your local area. Once you find a nest, remove it immediately when empty. After removal, dispose of the nesting material in the trash to prevent further nesting. Use a strong disinfectant to clean the area.

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Also, block holes and trim excess tree branches to prevent nesting. As a result, sparrows rarely visit the area to search for food.

Use bird-resistant feeders:

Using sparrow-resistant feeders works effectively by preventing sparrows from accessing the feeder. This makes the sparrows unable to eat the food in the feeder. You can find a wide variety of sparrow proof feeders on the market. They can vary in size and shape so you have a wide range of options to buy a feeder that suits your needs.

One of the best feeders to deter sparrows is the cling mesh feeder. Its fine construction does not allow sparrows to eat the food in it. It basically consists of a circular tray and meat which is mainly made of certain metals. Food is usually placed in a tray inside the mesh.

The entire feeder is powder coated to increase its durability. A lid covers the feeder. This is an effective way to protect your feeder from sparrows.

Fill the feeder with the bird’s unfavorite food:

Feeders only attract birds when they contain the sparrows’ favorite food. Wheat, cracked corn, sunflower seeds, oats, and millet are among sparrows’ favorite foods. Birds continue to visit feeders containing this type of food. If the sparrows eat this food, there will be nothing left for the other birds. You have to buy this food again which results in additional costs.

The most common way to solve this problem is to fill the feeder with the food that sparrows hate the most. This type of food can include shelled or saffron peanuts. Sparrows do not like the taste of this food.

Whenever sparrows find such food, they fly away without eating it and avoid returning to the feeder. This helps in saving both food and money.

Keep the bird’s favorite foods away from the feeder:

As we know that sparrows constantly search the feeder for food. They can eat all the expensive food you can put out for other birds. Sparrows are destructive, so they can compete with and harm other birds for food. So, you M, keep sparrows away from feeders to protect other birds.

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You can keep sparrows away from other bird feeders by keeping sparrows’ favorite food away from the feeder. When sparrows find their favorite food, they land in that area and fly away after eating.

Because of their full bellies, they don’t bother going to another feeder. This is undoubtedly an effective technique to protect both the feeders and the birds.

Scare Sparrows by Hanging Feeders Along Halls:

Halos are circular, hand-crafted devices widely used to scare sparrows away from feeders. Halos are made of a round wire with a wooden or metal bar in the center of the halo. You can make it manually or buy it from the market or online website. Bird feeders are usually hung from bars.

When the sparrows came near it, they became frightened and would not visit the area again. It is effective to store food in the feeder by keeping the birds away from it.

Remove dust and water baths:

The presence of water baths in the ground acts as an attractive place for sparrows. Sparrows used this water for bathing and drinking. But if you put small stones in the water, it automatically reduces the sparrow bathing area and makes them less attractive to the sparrows.

But adding gravel to the water serves as a welcome place for other birds. So, if you want to keep sparrows away, you should add gravel to the water. Also, you can change the position of the water bath and move it away from the feeder.

Install the Sparrow Alarm Call Maker:

You can scare sparrows by placing a device near the feeder that makes an alarm call to scare away the sparrows. You can buy this device from a departmental store or online website. It can work on direct electrical connection or battery.

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Install the device near the feeder. When turned on, it starts making alarm calls that scare the sparrows away. Birds can hear this alarm from a long distance away.

Thus, when sparrows hear these frightening alarm calls, they avoid the area. So keep your feeder safe from these destructive sparrows.