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Lovebird vs Conure: All You Need to Know to Make Your Choice

Mackenzie Gary



Most of the time, we get stuck and confused about choosing between two different types of aviary birds. We have different opinions and suggestions. We wander around with various questions that delay our decision-making. For example, when we have to choose between a lovebird and a conure, which one should we choose?

Lovebirds and conures are different species. Conures are friendlier than lovebirds. They are easy to control and require less attention. As a beginner, you can choose both green cheek and sun conure. While lovebirds are quite aggressive and need a companion as well.

Conures are so goofy


We can only be misled by names because a lovebird’s name sounds more appealing to us. We may think that these birds will give us the satisfaction we want.

But make sure your decisions are based on research and solid knowledge of the birds’ personality traits and behaviors.

Today, we will discuss two important species: lovebirds (Agapornis) and conures (Aratinga solstitialis). You might have confusion and considerations to consider before making your choice. 

Lovebird vs. Budgies You can read here

Here’s a brief comparison of two species: lovebirds and conures.

Origin of lovebirds and conures

Lovebirds belong to Genus Agapornis (“agape” for love and “ornis” for bird). They have nine species, of which we can only pet three. All the species are of African origin; one grey-headed mainly belongs to Madagascar Island. They date back to almost 1.9 million years ago.

Lovebirds were first imported to Europe in the 19th century; some colored mutations are selectively bred in aviculture.

Most conures are found in the Amazon basin, with a few species from the Caribbean islands.

Green-cheeked conures (Pyrrhura molinae) are mainly found in South America.


They are native to South America and can also be found in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, and Paraguay.

Although their population is presumed to be quite stable, this may change in the future due to increased exploitation of timber for commercial use.

Now they are also found in South Florida.

Difference between the Behavior of lovebirds and conures.


Lovebirds are a type of bird that are known for being active, social, playful, and sometimes aggressive. They get their name from their strong attachment to their owners, particularly their partners.

However, it’s important to note that lovebirds can also display territorial and jealous behavior if not properly controlled.

Interestingly, it’s been observed that female lovebirds tend to exhibit more jealousy than males.

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They require a lot of attention and care. If you have a busy schedule, you might not have a good experience.

Better to buy a pair instead of one.

They are not listed as an endangered species in the wild but their declining numbers are a cause for concern.

Conures are very curious and playful birds. They come in different varieties and love to spend time with their owners.

You have to give them enough time every day to engage them.

Green-cheeked conures are especially cute. Proper time and care has a very positive effect on the quality of their pets.

Sometimes the conures are quite loud, and you can hear their screams from miles away.

They like to be where the household activities are going and they like to engage with their favorite people.

Lovebirds vs Cockatiels You can read here

Life Expectancy: Lovebirds vs conures

The age of lovebirds is directly related to their living conditions. Lovebirds in the wild have shorter lifespans than their captive counterparts. In the wild, they face harsh conditions and the effects of predators. Longevity depends on an abundance of food, clean water, and living conditions. Some baby birds don’t even make it to adulthood.

In captivity, they live longer than their owner cares for.

They can live up to 20 years, but most live up to 15 years. In rare cases, a life of more than 25 is also observed.

To keep them alive longer, provide them with a healthy and attractive environment.

Conures have relatively longer lifespans than lovebirds. Their life span also varies with living conditions, just like that of beloved birds. In the wild, it is relatively small compared to those born in captivity.

Poor living conditions on the keeper side can cause them to die before 10 years.

Lack of food, predation by other animals, and unfavorable environmental conditions are the main reasons for their short life in the wild.

Conures have a lifespan of 20-30 years. So make sure you commit yourself for a long time.

Both physical and mental health are equally important to a bird’s longevity.

If conditions are good, a bird can live for 10-12 years in the wild. It can be as little as 5 years for an unlucky bird.

The appearance of conures vs. lovebirds

Overall there are 9 species of lovebirds but only 3 are available for home keeping. These three are 

  • Rosy-faced lovebirds
  • Fischer’s lovebird
  • Black masked lovebirds

Rosy-faced lovebirds belong to Agapornis roseicollis. Their size equals 7-8 inches from head to tail and weighs about 2 ounces. Fischer Agapornis fischeri are among the smallest birds. They grow up to 5 inches and weigh about 1.5-2 ounces.

They have vibrant green-blue plumage on their bodies. Different color combinations are present around the neck up to the top of the head.

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While the Black masked lovebirds have a black mask on their faces as indicated by their name and a light yellow collar underneath.

They are even smaller than rosy-faced at 2.13 inches and weigh up to 1.75 ounces.

Conures have more than 40 types, are bright in color, and belong to the parrot family. They are small to medium-sized with solid beaks and long tails. Their size varies between 10-20 inches.

Conure (
Conure (

Aratinga species are green with red, brown, or blue markings. 

Sun conure is yellow with orange markings and green wings. Jenday conure has a size of 12 inches and has a yellow head and breast.

Pyrrhura species are green with red-brown tails, while the green-cheeked conures have a slightly reddish belly.

Maroon-bellied conures are very similar, with green-cheeked having heart-shaped shading. Single species genera also exist in conures.

Food and Care difference between lovebirds and conures

Lovebirds have a wide variety of food in the wild such as fruits, grasses, seeds, and vegetables. Maize Maize and figs also make their food.

With this in mind, the diet of captive birds should also be varied and a mix of fresh vegetables and fruits.

A good pelleted diet and a portion of cuttlebone should be provided in the cage for calcium deficiency.

Provide a variety of foods carefully during your pet bird’s adjustment period.

Caring for and handling your beloved bird makes it feel good and energetic.

Spending time each day caring for your special bird really pays off in the end.

A single lovebird can live a happy life if you give it the attention it needs.

Lovebirds are social creatures and usually live in flocks. If you don’t have time, it’s better to buy a pair.

A conure’s diet should contain a mixture of fruits and vegetables with a special emphasis on vegetables. Vegetables provide energy and nutrients for healthy cell function.

Vegetables such as chard, spinach, kale, watercress, turnips, greens, broccoli, cabbage, and cabbage are an essential part of the kronor’s diet.

Although Connors prefer fruits, they are not good for them. The simple carbohydrates they contain can lead to weight gain.

Some available fruits are plums, apples, grapes, tomatoes, oranges, lemons, and limes.

They start to deteriorate after 2-3 hours. Remove and dispose of uneaten fruit or vegetables.

Preferable cage size: Lovebirds vs. Conures.

The cage size for pet birds should not be more than 2 feet long by 2 feet wide and 2 feet tall.

In general, larger cage sizes are better to provide more surface area for furry birds.

Not only does it make them feel comfortable, but they can fly across.

Always prefer length over height and spacing should not exceed ⅝ inches.

It must be in a horizontal position for mounting.

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Provide a variety of perches and toys in the cage. It is best to use natural wood sheets.

Also, rotate the toys after a day or two as they get bored.

Conures are active and playful birds and require a cage 36 inches long by 24 inches wide and 24 inches high.

The distance between the bars should be ⅝ to ½ to hold your conure securely.

The size of the cage is related to the type of species you are going to put in. Smaller species require shorter spacing between bars.

They love to chew and play with different toys.

Therefore, their cage size should be large enough to accommodate all the required toys and give them enough space to spread their wings and move freely.

Can you keep lovebirds with conures?

Lovebirds are aggressive towards other birds. They are only comfortable with their species.

Their large beaks make them deadly, and their bold nature leads them to attack anything up to the size of a conifer.

When they are in the same cage they either endanger other birds or themselves.

Keeping them with other birds is not a safe practice. Instead, you can choose different lovebird species to keep them in the same cage.

Can a lovebird mate with a green cheek conure?

You may have similar questions, but the answer to this question is straightforward. Lovebirds do not mate with conures.

They mate only with other lovebirds and can breed only with lovebirds in their taxonomical family, regardless of the same color and size.

In short, you should not keep them in the same cage. In rare cases, if they mate, the offspring may be sterile and unable to reproduce.

Final Thoughts

In short, you can choose conures as your starting pets. They are easy to control.

Green-cheeked conures do not make much noise. You can choose them as your first pet. While lovebirds are noisy and can be aggressive.

They require more attention and effort.

Conures and lovebirds are good when we talk about keeping them at home as pets.

They are usually large can speak many words and make excellent pets due to their docile nature, especially the green-cheeked conure.

Lovebirds are packs of energy and need a lot of attention. They can be aggressive at times.

Choosing any bird depends entirely on your lifestyle, work schedule, and likeness.

Mention your queries and concerns and stay in touch for updates.