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How many lovebirds can you put in a cage?

Mackenzie Gary



Keeping multiple lovebirds in a cage doesn’t matter, but size does. Having one, two or even several cute birds can add joy to your home. But before putting many cute birds in a cage, be aware of several factors, including the placement and needs of the birds.

You can keep two lovebirds in a cage size of 18′ 18′ 50′. It is better to keep a pair. Having 3 lovebirds can create a mess and will have more fights. It is better to have 2 instead of 3 or more. Although you can keep more that will cost you trouble every day.

So, are you afraid of setting up multiple cages for many cute birds? Or are you worried about birds fighting in a small cage? In this article, you will learn how to arrange small and large cages for one or more pet birds. Depending on the age of the lovebirds and your hobbies, you need to choose an affordable, durable, and space-friendly cage.

Let’s take a glance at various factors before taking lovebirds’ enclosures. 

Things to know before putting many lovebirds in a cage

It is well known that a good decision can be worthwhile in the long run. The same is the case with lovebirds care. Generally, everyone wants a bigger cage without thinking about the bird-friendly environment. Large size does not matter to a single bird, and never become friendly except in isolation. Below are some factors for your multiple lovebirds.

Cage size according to lovebirds

Food helps keep lovebirds happy, but cage size is always a priority. Still, it makes sense to think about lovebird couples and their cage size before taking lovebirds home. Additionally, do you prefer an 18 length/18 width/18 inch high cage for two pairs of cute birds?

Think deeply about whether your beloved birds can fly easily in such a small enclosure. Never! Since lovebirds are small in size, they require more space to live. In this regard, perfect size matters a lot for many pet birds. This helps keep the birds comfortable, protected from other pairs and active.


Affectionate birds are sensitive to seasonal changes. Many types of diseases like fever and pneumonia attack lovebirds in winter. In the summer, many cute birds are easier to handle. Additionally, disease spreads quickly, and covering the species’ cages is critical.

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Plastic covers are helpful, but lovebirds can feel suffocated from lack of oxygen. Moreover, thick fabric cover is more beneficial for perfect ventilation and warmth in winter. It depends on your lovebird’s reaction, whether they want more warmth or not. You can feel their reaction to their physical symptoms.

Space for fixing cage

Wonderful and suitable fixing locations are the corners. Basically, the central area of rooms is fearful for lovebirds. They feel afraid from each side, and cannot accept such a type of environment. However, corners provide them protection from two sides and are helpful for warmness also.  

Cage bar distance

As cute birds have small and slender bodies with feathery wings. However, if they do not find a suitable environment, they try to move away. It is important to pay attention to cage spacing before handling pets for newborns. Of course, lovebirds can get stuck in bars trying to escape and get badly hurt.

Their neck bones are sensitive and break easily. For prevention, space cages no more than 0.5 inches apart. Otherwise, there is a greater chance of fracture and damage due to fighting and stress fly in high load areas.

Also, the bar material is very important for your beloved bird. Even so, wood material is much preferable, but cute birds love to chew on wood. Moreover, they caused direct damage to the cage. In this instance, a good quality metal wire cage will fit perfectly and be durable.

Design of cages

After all, according to your home area, you should select a suitable fit. Do you feel that rectangular and square cages can be space-friendly? Actually, these cages require lots of space. For a room, longitudinal and vertical cages will be the exact match even for many lovebirds. Furthermore, for a lawn and gardens, large cages with proper locks and covering are beneficial.  

Here is how you can introduce them.

Can I put 4 lovebirds together?

However, keeping 4 lovebirds together is a great way to increase the number of lovebirds. 2 pairs per cage are acceptable, but not all males or females. If you already have two cute birds in a cage, and you want to keep another pair. Then the old ones don’t accept the new cute birds. However, you can keep 2 pairs in one cage at the same time. This will help in building a strong relationship between them. Otherwise, lovebirds are very aggressive about sharing their territory.

What size of cages do you need for 4 lovebirds?

Lovebirds feel uncomfortable in small spaces, and their muscles will be weak. Undoubtedly, birds find satisfaction in flying. Although cute birds do not like to sit and walk on the ground. For two pairs of love birds, it needs houses, toys and space to fix various perches. A cage about 18/18/30 or 37/23/60 inches is suitable for one or two couples. These types of cages are long, large and adjustable anywhere. Not only that, but the compact size is easy to cover. Be sure to choose cages with trays for indoor fixing.

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Can you have 2 lovebirds?

2 Lovebirds are good if you can’t give a single bird more time. A pair can play with each other, spend time with each other and never gets bored. You can read here why do lovebirds need to be in pairs?

If you have 2 lovebirds or a couple, this is great. Also, a big misconception is that lovebirds are afraid of humans. With proper training, cute birds become closer to humans than their peers. Although they never feel lonely with their human friends. Also, a pair of lovebirds can be more beneficial in different situations. Some of these are fertility, better mental health, companionship, and relief from loneliness.

How much space do 2 lovebirds need?

Approximately 18 length/18 width/50 inch height is correct for 2 lovebirds. Even if your lovebirds are in pairs or of the same sex, this size will be the most suitable. The main concern is excessive space for muscle movement, adjustment of toys, correcting the water bath, and hanging sheets. For all these items, this size will be just right for one or two lovebirds. Additionally, don’t overload the cage with too many items as this can hinder the flight of the cute birds.

Can you put 2 male lovebirds together?

Often you can put two male lovebirds that form a strong bond of friendship. Basically, lovebirds are affectionate, and they love their mates, even men. Also, two male lovebirds feed each other to show their love and care. Mostly they can’t be happy with each other. This usually happens when a new male lovebird is placed in an existing male cage. Otherwise, it is safe to provide the same cage, food tray, and toys.

Will 2 male lovebirds try to mate?

Basically, every lovebird looks the same and it is difficult to analyze whether it is male or female. Sometimes, by mistake you put two men together, and they show their affection as a couple. However, there are some physical signs to check the sex of lovebirds.

Place a piece of paper in front of your beloved bird. If they try to cut the paper, it indicates that the lovebirds are ready for a mate. This way, you will be sure about the gender of your beloved bird. Furthermore, it is not prudent to think about their mat. Otherwise, 2 cute birds cannot pair for male breeding.

Can 3 lovebirds live together?

Lovebirds can live in flocks and even mate as they like. However, keeping the same lovebird in the same cage can be wrong for a couple. Meanwhile, if you put a man, interesting pair can not accept it. However, lovebirds feel jealous of female interference. You can have two pairs instead of three lovebirds.

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Can you breed 2 pair lovebirds in one cage?

Firstly, place 2 unfamiliar pairs of lovebirds in a large and same cage. They attract their mate and make a bond according to their choices. After that, provide them with different small hanging nests. Then assuredly they can breed in the same cage but in a separate nest. Although, they never interfere with other nests because of strong relationships. 

What to put in a lovebird’s cages?

Various things are needed to put in lovebirds cages for keeping them attentive. Furthermore, hanging perches, birds nest, beads ropes, food, and water bath are essential to place in every type of cage. 

  1. Hanging perches are adjustable on wire cages, and easily removable also. Yet, swings of wood are the best item fall in perches. Hence, sand perch are not friendly for birds’ stomachs. 
  2. Birds nest like small houses with a single hole are accurate for a pair. It will help to hide eggs and keep the babies’ lovebirds warm.
  3. Food plates are another crucial element for cages. Whether you have many birds, you can put a single plate for all species. 
  4. Water is a vital source, especially in summer. You can provide water access to lovebirds daily in summer. Yet, the water bath is much to place one time a week during winters.

Cages size guide

  1. Get a larger cage about 35 lengths, 35 widths, and 80 inches long cage for 4-5 lovebirds pairs. 
  2. For 3 pairs of lovebirds, take cages of 34 lengths, 24 widths, 58 inches long
  3. 2 pairs of lovebirds need space of 24x24x50 or 18x18x50 inches cages.
  4. Single species and a pair of love birds can live in 18x18x24 or 18x18x30 inches cages. 

Final thoughts

Putting many lovebirds in a cage is precise for breeding. Perhaps, it may cause fighting in lovebirds due to less space and limited requirements. With proper adjustment of cages, your number of lovebirds can happily live in a large enclosure. A very small cage is not suitable for 2 pairs. However,  you can put two males and two females in a smaller enclosure. 

Same lovebirds genders never mate but live in an affectionate manner. However, lovebirds feel at ease with food, toys, and water source in a cage. Just try to buy small hole cages for extra protection.