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Lovebird is sick – Symptoms – Treatment at home

Mackenzie Gary



Even if your loved one is sick, medicine and protection are their right. Diagnosis based on the symptoms and causes of the disease is essential for treatment. Therefore, cute birds are sensitive and never like crowds around their cages. Due to fever, they immediately get stressed. However, you should know about the toxic food that causes their illness.

In this article, you will learn details about the diseases, how to deal with them and home remedies for treatment. Sure, you can protect your beloved bird from eye disease, coryza, pox and respiratory infections. But how do you know why your beloved birds are shivering, puffing and closing their eyes?

With the power of your observation and additional information, you can treat pneumonia differently than diarrhea. Some of the common diseases, treatments, symptoms and causes are mentioned below, which suggest the right solution. So let’s read this entire article to get rid of the confusion about lovebirds’ emotions.

How to treat sick lovebirds?

Before going to the disease, it is important to know about their treatment. Before treatment, you may need to go for a prescription. Below are some tips for your lovebird’s security and treatment. 

Go to Veterinarian 

First, visit the veterinarian regularly before the disease attacks. This will help protect your bird’s future from disease attacks. In fact, sometimes, your pet birds may feel fresh with the doctor’s comments due to their strange behavior.

Also, if your pet birds are not well, check them to find out about the disease. Be sure to do it. Due to environmental pollution, bird disease spreads rapidly, and you can keep your birds safe by visiting a veterinarian.

Proper medication

Of course, it is wrong to give any kind of medication if the lovebird is sick. Never ignore sick birds if you find any infection in them. In most cases, some birds feel uncomfortable, and others are safe.

It is not a good idea to give medicines for high fever instead of primary pneumonia. So, what should be done for unhealthy lovebirds? You should get over the disease as soon as possible.

Otherwise, the disease will spread in small cages. A common and important solution is to give them the right amount of medication. There is no doubt that antibiotics work well with proper timing of prescription. Otherwise, if you ignore the medicine and feel that your birds are healthy, they will surely get sick again.

Proper food

Common disease prevents birds from eating. If you notice that your birds feel uncomfortable while feeding, or that they are not getting adequate nutrition. Then this is another factor to think about.

Still, birds feel lethargic and unhealthy during their illness. Therefore, their body needs extra food and nutrients to function. If they are not interested in eating, use different methods to feed them. Soon, the thought of feeding the cute birds makes them active and lively.

Provide them warmness

Changes in weather conditions or extreme winters definitely wreak havoc on the health of the beloved birds. Fixing a heated cage will be ideal for smaller breeds during the cold season. Moreover, cold winds quickly attack small creatures and damage the respiratory tract. Also, birds can die from pneumonia. Therefore, heat keeps them safe and active.

They fly right from one perch to another wooden branch in the cage without fear of cold. But how to keep them warm in cages? If a lovebird is sick, there are many reasons for heat, including:

  • Fixing of the ceramic bulb at one corner of the cage
  • Placing of warm water bottle with proper cover
  • Exposure of cage toward sunlight during the day
  • Cover up cages with warm fabric during the night
  • Bird thermo perches for relaxing their feets
  • Give them access to the single hole of warm birds houses 

Separate sick lovebirds

The disease attacks newborn babies immediately. However, do you keep them away from their mother? never ever! But the health of other birds is very important. But how and where can you accommodate birds during illness? No matter if the lovebirds are adults or nestlings, you can learn how to care for them without their mother.

If you are a good nest guard, you can definitely keep them away from their mother. After all, separation, nesting, and nesting will not only make you feel safer, but other birds will also be safer.

Proper sleep

As birds want perches or birds houses for sleep. However, normal birds sleep normally 10-15 hours. But sick birds sleep more than a normal one. They remain inactive, uncomfortable, and in a hibernate condition.

Besides, Sick birds feel disturbed due to improper sleep. Make sure to isolate them in a calm area for their proper rest. It will boost their metabolism and be helpful to keep them active. 

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Dangerous and toxic food for lovebirds

It is a fact that caring about birds with food is a unique way. But imagine, are they alive with dangerous food? Never ever, because humans and birds are physically, mentally, and digestively different from each other.

They need soft and fresh food instead of a human diet. So below are some dangerous food of lovebirds that you should surely avoid for your precious and expensive species. 

Cheap Food

Lovebird is sick due to wet and poor food. Birds get nutrition with fresh food. But what about the cheap, rotten, and spoiled food? Factly, fresh food provides extra vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates, and an excessive amount of hydration. Mainly, when watery food is placed in open spaces, then fungus attacks them.

Yet, the spore’s production of fungi has become the reason for food spoiling. Besides, decaying fruits are not just unhealthy, but the fungus also attacks the lovebird’s digestive system. You should place the fresh food in cages and remove the older ones daily. In this way, your lovebirds are secure and healthy.

Cold drinks

Sometimes, people think that their lovebirds need cold drinks for food digestion. Yet, how do they ignore their health? They don’t know that soft drinks are highly toxic for birds because of sugar, caffeine, artificial color, and flavor. However, sugar in soft drinks causes obesity in birds and they feel uneasy in flying.

Not just this, but also fat, including drinks, may cause heart problems. On the other hand, artificial colors and flavors cause diarrhea and vomiting in lovebirds. Also, eye and kidney infections are the main reasons due to coloring. Shortly, simple water will be accurate for lovebirds’ health.


Large nuts and seeds are helpful in winter for birds’ warmth. But what about small beak birds? Definitely, large seeds never break with small bills. In fact, it can cause damage to bill tips. When you place seeds in front of birds, surely they will try to eat them. Same, if you put shelled seeds and peanuts in lovebirds cages, then they will break their small bills.

On the other hand, peanuts are not secure for lovebirds due to aspergillus attacks. If this fungus enters the lovebird’s body, then there is a higher chance of liver disease. 


Meat is the food of animals but not for small birds. Therefore large species like hawks, owls, and eagles love meat. Furthermore, a lovebird is sick with animal flesh. Although, fats can cause liver disease. Yet, keep away the animal fats from lovebirds to maintain weight, normalize the heartbeat, and make them fresh. 


Undoubtedly, lovebirds like sugary fruits. Moreover, it doesn’t mean that they need chocolates as a sweetener. Even chocolates contain excessive amounts of caffeine, sugar, and fat. Yet,  caffeine is harmful to birds’ health because it is an energetic ingredient. It will damage the nervous system and increase the heart rate.

What to feed a sick lovebird?

After knowing about toxic meals, now we are going to discuss healthy food for sick lovebirds. Although, maintenance of birds’ health is difficult but not impossible. Let’s read about the importance of fresh and watery food.

Fresh Fruits

Fresh fruit contains vitamins and nutrients that make the immune system stronger. Undoubtedly, for smaller birds, it’s easy to digest soft food. Again, the pulp of oranges, mangoes, and apples is easy to swallow instead of small seeds. However, it will prevent digestive system issues. 

Cooked legumes

Due to the high content of protein in legumes, it is healthy for lovebirds. As beans are hard, they can get stuck in the neck. To prevent this situation, boil the legumes and then mash them.  After that, you can place this mash material in front of sick lovebirds.  Besides, uncooked seeds may cause issues in birds’ stomachs due to toxicity.

Watery vegetable

Watery and boiled vegetables are another source for lovebirds. Yet, vegetables provide carbohydrates, starch, and high nutrients to remain active. However, if a lovebird is unwell, they need more care and extra energy. For that, vegetables are a good source. According to the bird’s digestive system and beak, make sure to give them boiled food.

Lovebird’s disease

Lovebirds are sickened by unsafe food, unwanted space and overcrowded cages. Yet, disease is a common factor in all living things. But with some precautions and treatment every life will definitely be safe.

The same is the case with expensive and beautiful pet birds. A little bit of ignorance can cause the beloved birds to lose their lives and may be dangerous to other species. So there are some common lovebird diseases. Let’s read about the causes, signs and symptoms of sick birds.

Eye disease

Eye diseases in birds are due to various reasons. Pox, coryza, and infection are different diseases. You can judge with signs of these infections. 

Eye Infection: 

Eye Infection is common in lovebirds. Sometimes this infection is due to dust allergy and being in touch with mosquitoes also. Inflammation with water is a sign of infection. Furthermore, inflammation in the eyes due to bird fight may confuse owners between bacterial or allergic disease


Although if we are discussing bacterial infection, then coryza and pox are on top. Basically, coryza is an internal disease of lovebirds, but their sign shows around their eyes. When the respiratory tract is disturbed in birds, their eyes are not fully open. Coryza infection shows inside eyes but with pus.


On the other side, pox is a small pimple without pus. This is present on the upper layer of the eyes. So before giving treatment, make sure to know about the difference between various eye diseases. 

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Yet, swelling and redness show the infection. That’s why as soon as a possible cover-up these types of eye diseases. Otherwise, vaccination will be preferred. 


There are various types of pneumonia in lovebirds. Commonly upper and lower respiratory tract are discussed. Symptoms of the upper respiratory tract are dry cough, and for lower, they feel congestion is breathing. Firstly, you should make sure whether the bird is seriously infected or seeds are stuck in its neck. After that, start the medication with proper consultation. 


Diarrhea in lovebirds is a sickness due to unwanted food. When you give winter food in the summer season, it causes vomiting and loss of motion. The symptom is black color poop with excessive liquid. It is dangerous due to the loss of body minerals. As soon as possible, recovery is a must instead of death. Diarrhea causes dryness, drowsiness and makes the birds weaker.

Shortly, drooping behavior shows that your lovebirds are infected by diarrhea.


High fever in lovebirds disturbs all the functions in the body. You can estimate temperature with a heartbeat. Also, coughing, vomiting, and lower energy are symptoms of fever in birds. Due to fast metabolism, large birds release their body heat. But smaller birds cannot control their environment and body heat at the same time. That’s why they become unwell and fall in high temperatures.


Anorexia mostly attacks birds due to diarrhea, stomach cramps, and intestinal worms. Round and hookworms are commonly attacked on lovebirds internally. Even this is due to poor deworming. You can deworm your birds with an empty stomach. So, firstly give them sweetwater and then perform deworming. 

Cold and flu 

Cold and flu attack on lovebirds in winters. Shivering, loss of appetite, weight loss, water flow from the eyes and nose are the main symptoms of this infection. This disease is vastly spread in other lovebirds. Moreover, lovebirds feel more stress than any other bird. Although, they may die within 4-5 hours after infection. Checking them properly after every one hour is suitable to keep these species secure and safe. In this way, infection will be in control, and birds will remain healthy. 


Eating dry food without consumption of water causes indigestion in lovebirds. Furthermore, ingestion causes serious problems in lovebirds. Keep a water bowl in cages for your lovebirds. This will help to maintain the digestive system. Also, fewer spaces are another reason because of less movement. 

Lovebird sitting at the bottom, why?

If your lovebird is sick, they show their body sign. One of them is that your lovebirds sit at the bottom. They lose their hope of living. Consequently, small cages make them addicted to sitting on the bottom rather than flying happily. So, fear from predators, loss of hope, loneliness, and sickness opposed lovebirds to show this attitude.

Why do lovebirds breathe fast?

Actually, birds want more oxygen for their body. As they fly from one spot to another in cages. So, if birds do not meet oxygen, they breathe fast. On the other side, they show this behavior due to:  

  • High fever
  • Dust, perfumes, and sprays 
  • Respiratory infection 
  • Deficiency of vitamin A and fatty acids
  • Bacterial infection

Due to above all conditions, birds breathe fast. During fever and malnutrition, the body functions are disturbed, and the breathing rate is going to be fast.

Why are lovebirds’ eyes closed?

There are many reasons that birds close their eyes. During happiness, sadness, and sickness, you may see your lovebirds. Yet, they show their happiness by opening and closing their eyes in a loving mood. But if you feel sadness on a bird’s face, it means there are some serious issues with that. During sickness lovebirds keep their eyes closed for a long time. 

Why is my lovebird shaking?

Lovebirds shake due to cold and hot weather. When birds get cold, they fluff their body to produce heat. Furthermore, when they get hot, they also fluff and shake the body to release heat.

Other reasons are fear, pneumonia, severe health issues, weakness, and stress. However, in a loving and happy mood, they also shiver. Not just this, but also during baths and open cages are the reason for lovebirds shaking. 

Home treatment for lovebirds with remedies

Indeed, it is important to treat bird diseases from a specialist. But you can also use home treatment if your lovebird is sick. Yet there are some homemade remedies that you can use for your birds. And surely love birds will feel at ease with these remedies.

Apple cider vinegar 

Apple cider vinegar is helpful for lovebird treatment. 

  1. If you feel that your love birds become chubby, then you can use the vinegar and lemon drops in water. 
  2. Secondly, when your birds show the dropping, then vinegar with water will be helpful. 
  3. Thirdly, an important benefit is to treat skin allergies. If your birds feel itching or some irritation, then use the vinegar spray with water on their body. It will soothe their body and keep them fresh.

Check the humidity and weather before spraying. Avoid adding maximum drops. Just one spoon is best for one cup of water.


Another important remedy is infertility. Yet, occasionally love birds cannot breed on time, or also they lay infertile eggs. For prevention of this condition, you can use onion as it is or squeeze it in water. Then place the onion water in cages of lovebird pairs. Use this treatment one to two times. Otherwise, it may cause other problems.

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Sometimes you want to protect your birds before any infection and disease. In this case, take a water bowl, and put crushed garlic in it. Avoid overusing ginger because lover birds dislike smelly water. It will save your birds from fever. 

Aloe vera

Aloe vera is well known due to its bitter taste. Yet, it has many benefits for humans as well as for birds. 

  1. Some birds have a habit of plucking their own feathers. This is a bad habit and may cause issues in winter. Whether more chances are, your love birds will fall into pneumonia due to their featherless body. Also, the body will remain cold in winters. For this manner, just use aloe vera on the feather. When birds pluck feathers, then they feel a bitter taste. This will get rid of this behavior.
  2. Aloe vera fresh gel is beneficial for deworming also.


Ginger is another natural element for flu. If one lovebird is sick with the flu, then there are more chances of it spreading. Before dispersing the flu infection, keep the birds separate from others. Similarly, crushed ginger with normal water will be an accurate choice for flying species. 


During the fight with companions, lover birds are going to be hurt. However, in infectious areas, the germs are quickly attacked. To prevent your birds from the spread of infections and keeping the skin healthy, turmeric is the best fit for it.

Bishop seeds

These seeds are helpful for diarrhea. Just boil a small quantity with one cup of water. Then pace as it is, and mix with water also. Use this treatment maximum for 1-2 times.   


Powder of asafoetida with water is surely valuable for indigestion. Birds’ stress about food digestion can be cured with this natural remedy. Maintenance of quantity is assured to prevent loose motion. Otherwise, with more doses, birds can lose their digestive system. 

Eucalyptus and mint

Leaves and branches of eucalyptus and mint can be helpful in the vomiting of lovebirds. You can boil these leaves in a cup of water. Then fix the water bowl in the lovebird’s cage. It will not only enhance the digestive system but also provide a soothing effect to birds.

Lovebirds medicine

Undoubtedly, no one can suggest the right medicines instead of a vet. For sudden care with the proper drugs at home, you can use the below medicines. Make sure to consult with a vet to use these medicines.

  1. Antibiotics like Augmentin drops or tablets with water are for pneumonia. Always start from a low dose like 2 drops with 5ml water will be suitable. Also, don’t give a full tablet. Mix a little part with water for your sick lovebirds.
  2. Boric acid is for eye infection. Firstly, wash lovebirds’ eyes with boric acid and then rinse again with rose water. Be confident to use cotton before cleaning.
  3. Pedialyte water is for diarrhea. It helps to boost up energy and provide dehydration because of electrolytes. You can also use this Pedialyte to mix antibiotics for diarrhea instead of simple water.


Overdose causes a mutation in lovebirds. Always go for veterinarians without taking risks. Yet, don’t use the same medicines on different bird species. 

Tips to give medicines to lovebirds

Lovebirds don’t take food and medicines by their own choice if your lovebird is sick. You should be responsible for hand feeding. Here are some tips for giving treatments to your lovebirds. 

  1. Try to use a syringe for liquid drops and medicines
  2. Cover up your birds before giving medication
  3. Don’t give the tablet as it is, however, make powder and mix it with water
  4. Overdose is not suitable for your bird’s health, and they may feel drowsiness
  5. Avoid using antibiotics during diarrhea without water
  6. Make certain to mix the medicines well in water

Why is my lovebird puffing up?

Lovebirds’ puffing-up behavior shows their mood like happiness, satisfaction, scare, and looking attractive to the opposite sex. In fact, for attraction and looking handsome, humans take help with their dressing. In birds, it is a different situation to impress their opposite ones.

Undoubtedly during fear, lovebirds make noises with puffing feathers. They feel stressed and move frequently. 

How do I know if my lovebird is dying?

It is too simple to observe dead lovebirds. Surely, sick birds are less active than healthy. That’s why they are not able to fly even for a short distance. Yet, the movement shows that they are alive. But before dying, they move slightly with a bobbing tail.

A fluffy body with closed eyes is another clue for lovebirds dying. Similarly, dead birds are still at a place with fully opened or closed eyes for a long time.


Analyzing your lovebird is sick with their condition, pooping, and behavior is moving you towards a solution. Moreover, various antibiotics and antibacterial drops help to maintain the immunity of lovebirds. No doubt, you will get maximum benefits from homemade remedies, but the vet will help more for your expensive species.

Various signs like head down, sitting below, biting, and fluffy body can realize your bird’s condition. Assuredly, fast breathing and shaking make you anxious, but you have found a solution. Now you can treat your birds with medication tips and handling techniques. For more knowledge about birds keep in touch with us!