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How to keep a baby cockatiel warm?

Mackenzie Gary



The baby must keep the cockatiel warm. If you fail to maintain the temperature of these innocent squawks, they will die. In most cases, the main cause of their death is temperature and food. These two factors are important if you want your companion bird to spend time together in the future. To the point, how to keep a baby cockatiel warm?

You can keep a baby cockatiel warm by placing it in an incubator or in an old aquarium, shoebox, or spare box. For this you need a heating lamp or pad and place it in the box. Use a thermometer to check the temperature. By doing this, you can keep the temperature of the baby cockatiel warm.

Different ages of baby cockatiels require different temperature variations. You have to maintain the temperature. If you do not do it correctly, the chances of death increase. In this article, I’ll tell you how you can maintain optimal temperatures even if you don’t have an incubator.

How warm should a baby cockatiel be?

Baby cockatiel should not have more temperature than 98 F. Having more or lower temperature would make him vulnerable to death. You can decrease the temperature as he gets older.

Baby cockatiel age Temperature (Fahrenheit)
Incubating eggs98 F
3 days old98 F
4-5 days95-96 F
Till 3 weeks92 F
AS gets olderSlow down temperature steadily
optimum temperature for baby cockatiel

The above is the summary of the normal temperature. You have to implement this temperature slowly. Any fluctuation in the temperature will lead to death and illness in the birds.

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Temperature of newly born baby cockatiel (till 3 days old)

For cockatiel eggs to hatch, the optimum temperature should be 98 F. If you hatch it without the mother, only the incubator can hatch these eggs easily. You can extract them manually, but this is a time-consuming and difficult process.

As the baby hatches, you must maintain 98 F for at least 3 days. In the early days, they are more prone to death. You have to take care of it very carefully. Along with maintaining the temperature, you need to feed it properly. These two factors should not be ignored.

If you have an incubator, keep the newborn at the same temperature in the incubator. After that, you can take it out and put it in an empty box.

Temperature of baby cockatiel (after 3 days to 3 weeks)

Now the baby cockatiel is out of danger stage. The risk is reduced, not eliminated. You must maintain the temperature at 95 F for 5 days. If they are in a group. For example, in a clutch when other baby cockatiels are present, the temperature is already high.

Their bodies also produce heat. Together, the temperature rises. On this, you can reduce the temperature to 93. They will automatically reach the optimum temperature.

With weekly increments thereafter, you should lower the temperature by 5 F per week. For example, if we are giving a 7-day-old baby 93F, after a week when the baby is 14 days old, the temperature should be reduced to 87F.

keep a baby cockatiel warm

When to give baby cockatiel room temperature?

You can give the baby cockatiel room temperature, when its feathers are fully feathered. Do not go directly from 90 to 70 F. You have to lower the temperature gradually. The process is slow; This may take up to 6 weeks.

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When you are going to put the baby bird in the cage, you need to check the temperature. If it is in a box, the temperature should be 5 F above room temperature. It takes about 42 days. After 42 days, you can keep it in the cage without fear of temperature regulation.

If the bird in the cage swells, it means that it is getting cold. At this point, put it back in the box.

How to keep a baby cockatiel warm?

How to warm a baby cockatiel?

These are some ways that can help you to maintain the heat of the baby cockatiel.

Using brooder will keep the baby cockatiel warm

Brooders are automatic devices in which we keep the baby birds to maintain the temperature. All you need to do is to set a particular temperature, as I discussed earlier. It is a simple box with a 100V bulb in it.

The main pros of using them are temperature control. These are made in such a way that when they reach the set temperature, they are automatically turned OFF and ON.

You can also use this brooder for injured birds.You can also treat the sick birds by separating them from other birds in brooders. There are many brooders available in the market you can choose any. Our main purpose is to keep our birds warm. This method will cost you money but save your time. 

Use old aquarium or any spare box to keep the baby cockatiel warm at home

You can also use any old box available at your home, such as an old aquarium or a shoe box, or any vacant box. For this, you have to cover the box from all sides. You can leave the vacant space on two sides of the box to keep the ventilation. All you need to do is to place a bulb inside the box or a heating pad in the box. This will maintain the temperature.

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Everything you need to do is manual. So. take a thermometer and check the temperature after every 4 hours. It is a time-consuming and hard job to do. You can also keep his mother with him. They will automatically maintain the temperature in the box.

Use heating lamps in the box

Another thing you can do is use heating lamps or heaters. You can use them in the outdoor cages as well. These heating lamps can also be placed in the vacant box instead of simple light bulbs. These are more efficient and simple to use.

Do baby cockatiels need warmth? Baby cockatiels need a warm temperature. If they don’t receive the optimum temperature they would be vulnerable to death. For their survival, initially, baby cockatiels need 98F for the first 3 days and after that reduce the temperature to 5 F per week.