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Why does my Cockatiel Scream when I leave the room?

Mackenzie Gary



Loneliness is probably the main reason why a cockatiel screams when you leave the room because psychologically, the cockatiel is a loving, outgoing and humorous bird.

So, if you were an outgoing person and someone just put you in a cage, how would you react? according to you.

The same is true of a cockatiel’s reaction when left alone in a room.

The screaming of your cockatiel is maybe because of the following reasons:

  • Outgoing nature of cockatiel.
  • Their natural habitat.
  • Anxiety issues.
  • Pseudobulbar affect (PBA)
  • They want your attention so they scream when you leave the room

The primary cause behind your cockatiel’s screams when you leave the room is often boredom. However, other factors like fear and separation anxiety can also contribute to this behavior.

If your bird doesn’t have the means to interact with its surroundings or entertain itself, the likelihood of incessant screaming increases.

To address this issue, it’s crucial to foster activities that combat boredom and provide mental stimulation for your cockatiel, even in your absence.

Encouraging foraging activities can be particularly effective in keeping them engaged and content when they are on their own.

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The extrovert nature of cockatiel:


Cockatiels, like many parrot species, have a natural extroverted and social disposition.

Their outgoing psyche and extrovert nature make them crave interaction and engagement with their surroundings.

In the wild, cockatiels are often found in flocks, and they rely on these social bonds for their emotional well-being and safety.

This social nature is deeply ingrained in their instincts and behavior.

When a cockatiel is confined to a room or space without any human or avian companionship, it can lead to feelings of isolation and loneliness.

Just as humans may become tired or agitated when they are alone for extended periods, cockatiels can experience similar emotions.

They thrive on social interaction, and when they don’t have anyone to communicate with, they may become anxious and distressed.

This need for interaction is further amplified by the fact that cockatiels are excellent mimics and vocal learners. In their natural habitat and in captivity, they use vocalizations as a means of communication with their flock members or their human caregivers.

When they find themselves in a situation where there is no one to respond to their calls or engage with their vocalizations, they may resort to loud and persistent screaming to seek attention or simply express their frustration.

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Cockatiel’s Natural Habitat:

Cockatiels are native to the semi-arid regions of Australia, where they are adapted to living in open environments.

In their natural habitat, they are free to fly and explore the vast landscapes of Australia, which consist of open woodlands, grasslands, and scrublands.

They are exposed to fresh air, sunlight, and the sounds of nature on a daily basis.

When you bring a cockatiel into your home and confine them to a closed room, it can be quite a departure from their natural surroundings.

Being enclosed in a room with limited space and limited exposure to fresh air and natural light can be disorienting and stressful for them.

They may miss the feeling of open spaces and the sensory stimulation that they are accustomed to in the wild.

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Additionally, cockatiels are highly alert birds by nature, constantly on the lookout for potential threats or changes in their environment.

In a closed room, they may feel vulnerable because they cannot see or hear what’s happening outside.

This heightened state of alertness can contribute to their vocalizations as they attempt to monitor their surroundings and communicate their presence.

Cockatiel Anxiety Problems:

Why does my Cockatiel Scream when I leave the room (2)

As a pet parent it is very important to keep track of your pet’s mood swings. In the case of cockatiels, you can easily tell their temperament by the position of their crest feathers.

Straight crusts can tell you about the curiosity your cockatiel has about something or a human being that is strange to him.

Flattened cockatiel head feathers, when they are hissing, indicate that your cockatiel is stressed. So, he needs your help to recover.

So if a cockatiel is screeching with this position of its crest feather, is it feeling insecure about your presence and is doubting whether you will be with them or not?

And they want a reassurance that you will come back and not leave them forever. As discussed earlier, the cockatiel is a social bird and enjoys interacting with others.

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Thus, abandoning him where he does not find a familiar face, causes him to feel insecure and abandoned to his loved one because he is concerned about her. I can be anxious and stressed.

Pseudobulbar effect in cockatiel (PBA):

The cockatiel screams a lot. Sometimes yelling is worth it and sometimes they’re just yelling to get your attention. It’s okay to respond to your pet, but it’s not okay to give them a way to manipulate you.

If you know your cockatiel is just screaming for no particular reason, and they aren’t afraid of anything, respond with a sweet whistle or a random sound. But, coming back into the room at their scream gives them a way to annoy you.

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Pets are just like small children, you need to create a love language to develop a healthy relationship between them.

How to stop a cockatiel from screaming?

Let’s take a look at how to stop a cockatiel from screaming.

As already discussed, cockatiels scream for a number of different reasons. Reasons may seem logical or illogical to run on. But no one dares to teach cockatiels that this is the right reason and it is not.

Here we discuss the methods by which cockatiel owners should get rid of screaming cockatiels.

Promote Gentle Vocalizations:

Birds naturally use vocalizations to communicate, but these sounds don’t have to be loud.

Once you’ve established that screaming won’t garner attention, it’s time to encourage the behavior you desire.

Teach your cockatiel soft vocalizations, also known as “quiet talking,” by engaging with them in a soothing and gentle tone.

Birds are more likely to produce calm and gentle sounds when they feel relaxed.

When your cockatiel engages in soft vocalizations, reinforce this behavior with praise and treats.

Positive reinforcement plays a crucial role in teaching your bird specific behaviors.

When you hear your cockatiel making soft vocalizations, offer words of encouragement like “good job” or “good talking,” and reward them with a small treat.

This positive association will encourage your bird to continue producing quieter vocalizations rather than loud screams.

Employ the Power of Ignoring:

Sometimes, the most effective solution to a problem is to simply ignore it, and this holds true for dealing with your cockatiel’s screaming behavior.

When your cockatiel screams, it’s often an attempt to gain your attention. However, responding to their loud calls can inadvertently reinforce the undesirable behavior, making them scream even more.

Resorting to drastic measures like covering their cage or yelling at them to stop will not effectively resolve the issue.

Approaching their cage when they scream can also reinforce the behavior.

Instead, it’s crucial to discourage this behavior by withholding your response and promoting the desired behavior

. Over time, your cockatiel will come to realize that screaming yields no results, and they will learn to seek other means of communication.

By patiently and consistently applying this approach, you can train your cockatiel to express themselves without resorting to disruptive and unpleasant screaming.

Games & Physical Activity:

Your cockatiel will be less inclined to scream when it’s occupied with enjoyable activities, such as playing with its favorite foraging box. It’s a straightforward solution.

To prevent boredom and provide mental stimulation, ensure your cockatiel has access to toys, perches, and interactive items in its cage. These engaging objects will help keep their beak and mind active, reducing the need for excessive vocalization.

Moreover, birds require regular exercise to expend their excess energy. Create opportunities for your cockatiel to stay physically active.

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You can set up perches at various distances and heights within its enclosure to encourage flight and offer a designated space for them to practice climbing, swinging, and chewing. Regular physical activity will help keep your cockatiel content and less inclined to resort to screaming for attention.

Promote Foraging Behavior.

Foraging is an inherent behavior in birds, particularly in their natural habitat where they spend a significant part of their day searching for food.

When kept as pets, birds are often confined to cages or limited indoor spaces, which can lead to boredom and frustration.

Encouraging foraging behavior in your pet cockatiel allows them to engage with their natural instincts and environment, even when you’re not present.

This approach provides essential mental and physical stimulation, contributing to their overall well-being.

To create a foraging-friendly environment indoors, you can replicate the bird’s natural foraging behavior by providing

[list icon=”icon: share” icon_color=”#b91e1e” indent=”0″]
  • toys,
  • perches, or
  • puzzles that encourage interaction with their surroundings.

For instance, consider offering foraging boxes, hanging baskets, or treat dispensers that mimic the process of seeking food in the wild. These activities engage your cockatiel mentally, alleviate boredom, and reduce the likelihood of excessive screaming when they are left alone.


Petting a cockatiel is not a bad decision. But the real struggle is when you are going to create a communication room between you and your cockatiel. It’s important to accept them as they are and let them accept you and your schedule. Because, the cockatiel is a very hyper, social bird.

They want your attention 24/7 and they enjoy the fact that you are being entertained by them. Making them her priority allows her to live her life happily even when closed. But make sure not to prioritize them over your personal life.

And it will be more effective if you give them a chance to live on their own by providing cages with cute little toys that can break when poked with their beaks.

It made them feel capable and strong. Moreover, providing them with a cage filled with paper clumps gives them the feeling of walking on stones.

This small activity gave them a sense of joy and left them with a sense of self-satisfaction.

It is important to give them a happy healthy life.

Happy cockatiel petting!

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