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Why Cockatiel Eggs are Not Hatching? Solution

Mackenzie Gary



Breeding your cockatiel is the happiest moment after nourishing them delicately. After lots of waits, how disheartening is when your cockatiel eggs remain unfertile. In this instance, many kinds of questions make you stressed, including why cockatiel eggs are not hatching. Factly, you have thought that this is happening due to the irresponsible act of the cockatiel pair. 

Cockatiel’s egg won’t hatch in extremely high or low temperatures. It should be between 37-40 C. Moreover if the egg is infertile or the cockatiel have nutrient deficiencies the egg will not hatch.

But have you imagined environmental factors and nutritional deficiency are other concerns? Proper light, cage size, nesting box, and nutrition are preferable for egg fertility, but what about the age of your birds? Yet, age, humidity, and temperature are other factors to be noted for cockatiel breeding. Maybe your cockatiels are happy in the cage but not physically healthy. 

So,  if you have already provided all the requirements, read the instructions below and find out your mistake. Hopefully, you will find an exact solution to improve the breeding of cockatiels.

Reasons for Cockatiel eggs not hatching

There are many minor and major reasons that your cockatiel eggs remain unfertile. However, if it happens every time, then focus on improvement. Let’s begin to know the reasons.

Extreme temperature

For nourishment of birds’ eggs, the temperature is required in winters as well as in summer. But the extreme temperature in both seasons can be harmful to cockatiel eggs. Undoubtedly, during winter, eggs need warmth for hatching. Yet, in summer, you cannot give the same temperature as in winters. Exactly some of you perform this mistake, so keep trying to avoid it.

Effects: Development of embryos is stopped in extreme warmness. Ultimately when the embryo dies, eggs are not hatched. Yet, lower temperature in winters slows down the nourishment of eggs. In this way, eggs take maximum time to break, which is not good for embryos. 

Solution: The temperature of cockatiel eggs in winter should be 37-40 degrees. Besides, the summer temperature should be a maximum of 40 degrees.

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Improper covering of cage

Covering can protect the cockatiel from a cold attack. Cockatiels are not able to take care of their eggs in sickness. However, these small creatures are extra sensitive and need to be nourished delicately. In this regard, firstly you need to take care of mature cockatiel.

Effects: Improper covering of cage can escape all heat. Yet, maximum cool wind can enter from a minor hole. Therefore, if the cold wind touches the eggs, nourishment is stopped. Well, the parents’ cockatiel will also fall ill.

Solution: You can try to cover the cage during the day and night in winter.  As summer is already hot, you should not hide the cage during the day. For the outdoor cage, it’s necessary to shield it in summer’s night.

Malnutrition in cockatiel

The health of cockatiels matters to breed them. Malnutrition can cause effects during and after the breeding season. Although weakness can transfer in cockatiel eggs, the expectation of hatching eggs is dismissed.  

Effects: Lack of nutrition disturbed body function of the cockatiel. And reproduction of cockatiel will be slow. Even their physical weaknesses directly affect the eggs. Shortly, eggs can’t be nourished due to parents’ malnutrition.

Solution: Use variety in cockatiel food. Giving them a single item can fade up their interest in eating. Therefore, they don’t gain high nutrition due to ignorance from consuming. Hence, must care to give them seeds, vegetables, and fruits to get rid of malnutritional effects.

Vitamins and calcium deficiency

Vitamins and calcium deficiency are directly related to malnutrition. But there are also other causes rather than a diet. Sometimes birds fulfill all food requirements, but they need natural light for getting vitamins. 

Effects: The major effect of calcium and vitamins deficiency is chronic eggs. Although, it can weaken the bones and muscles of the cockatiel also. Regardless, if the egg is hatched, the weakness will never be recovered in babies.

Solution: Make an outdoor cage, and interact with your cockatiel with direct sunlight. You can use vitamin supplements with proper prescriptions from avian veterinarians.

Excessive humidity

Humidity is a must to develop a cockatiel. Perhaps, excessive and too much low humidity can cause a serious impact on infertility. 

Effects: Basically, you should be serious if the humidity level in the cage is below 30%. It counts in very low humidity, and egg membranes are going to dry. Therefore, dryness doesn’t promote the healthy nourishment of eggs and causes shrinking. On the other side, high humid conditions fill up the air sac and prevent the development of the embryo. 

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Solution: Maintain the 40-56% humidity level in the nesting box.

Poor access of nesting box 

The nesting box is on priority for cockatiel pairs. Undoubtedly, if a cockatiel lays an egg without a suitable place, they don’t care about them. 

Effects: On the ground surface, cockatiel eggs don’t meet a moderate amount of humidity, temperature, and soft bedding. These are basic factors for infertile eggs.

Solution: Fix an accurate size of a nesting box in the cage with ladder, net, and soft bedding access.

Incomplete age for reproduction 

For breeding, an accurate age is required to get healthy cockatiel babies. Don’t try to interact with 5-6 months of cockatiel pairs just to establish your avian business. Firstly, focus on cockatiel pairs’ health and then breed them according to age.

Effects: Reproductive systems of premature cockatiels are weak. However, females can’t breed properly and lay infertile eggs.

Solution: For breeding, males should be ager than females. Yet, make a pair when the male turns one year, and the female 8-10 months. Not only this but also stop making a pair of 8-10 years older cockatiel.

Improper fixing of box

Effects: Tilting of cage or nest box disturbed the position of eggs. Although, cracks appear on eggs and make them infertile.

Solution: When a cockatiel lays eggs, don’t change the position of the box. Also, fix it on a firm point with strong cords.

Uncomfortable environment

Predators also make the environment uncomfortable rather than small cages and poor locations. Every bird including cockatiel feels uncomfortable in front of cats. 

Effects: Due to fear, lovebirds leave their eggs as it is. They lose their weight quickly and ignore their diet in anxiety. 

Solution: Keep the cages in a safe place away from cats and large birds.

What to do if an egg doesn’t hatch?

Ultimately, it is heartbreaking when the egg does not hatch. Before making any decision, take some time to wait. Periodically, some eggs need 1-2 extra days to hatch because of unstabilized environmental factors. But if eggs don’t hatch, it means there are some hidden factors to recover. 

Before breeding, give your cockatiel all requirements that they need to nourish their eggs. Light, temperature, humidity, nest box, nutrition, and comfortable environment are necessary for every pair. Anyways, it’s natural that cockatiel ignores their eggs on the first breeding. So it’s better to bury those eggs which are not hatched, even after 5 days of exact hatching time.

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How do you know if an egg won’t hatch?

First and foremost, you should identify those eggs that are rejected by parents. Factly, the egg can’t survive being placed separately from other eggs. Naturally, parent cockatiel leaves away infertile and chronic eggs from fertile ones. 

Another way to notice infertility is with light. You should notice the egg deeply with a torchlight. Just take your phone and turn on its light. Now analyze eggs deeply whether the red colors show or not. If the reddish veins or blood show, then it means the candled egg is fertile.

But if you don’t find red stains even after 7-8 days, then the egg is infertile. You can waste those eggs.

Also, if you take an egg in your hand, the cockatiel doesn’t accept that one. To avoid this phase, examine the eggs without touch.

What is cockatiel hatching egg exact time?

Undoubtedly, it is a vital matter to know the exact time of the cockatiel egg hatched. Undoubtedly, it depends on how much requirement you have provided to the cockatiel. If they are happy with their environment and are a healthy pair, it takes 19-21 days for egg hatching. Most eggs hatch on the 18th day, but it doesn’t mean there are some problems.

Also, some eggs hatch on the 23rd or 25th day. Therefore, if a cockatiel sits on eggs until the 25th day, those are fertile. 

Last words

As you read different solutions to handle each cockatiel egg problem. However, cockatiel eggs do not hatch through their own mistakes. At first breeding, they are not familiar with how to care for their eggs and young. It is certainly not right to put all the blame on them.

Poor feed quality, idle broodstock, and humidity levels also have an effect on infertility. Vitamin E and D are essential during growth. However, ignorance of cockatiel health does not bode well for their eggs and young. Some causes are passed down from generation to generation due to changes in genes.

So try to focus on cockatiel calcium, moderate temperatures, and a place free of predators. Otherwise, consult a veterinarian to save the cockatiel egg.