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Why do budgies scream? How to stop?

Mackenzie Gary



Budgies are pretty birds. If you are adopting them for the first time you might face some problems which might exhaust you. Screaming all day is normal but sometimes they do it for some reasons that when avoided or unnoticed can even lead to their death (rare). Here are the reasons budgies scream suddenly

  • Attack of the predator can be the cause of their sudden scream
  • Jealousy from other birds
  • Fear of the particular person
  • Boredom
  • Wants your attention
  • He is ill and needs medication

Below I will explain these details and tell you some treatments you can do to avoid any complications. If you notice this behavior time to time,

Predators Attack

There are predators like cat , dogs or hawk around about if you listen sudden scream of your budgie. The parakeets are prey birds. They survive in the wild by hiding themselves in the trees . As when we keep them as pets , they need care .

If you have a cat or a dog at home , you should train them to be friends with each other. This is quite risky in early days.

Keep your cat out of the cage. This is why he is afraid of her all the time and screams when she is around. If your bird is out of the cage and playing with toys, your dog may disturb it.

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I have seen cases where cats, dogs and pet birds are living happily in the same place. They are well trained, besides each pet has a different nature, one is angry, another is calm and more socialized pet.

If you are keeping your bird on the lawn for the winter, you should look at your surroundings. If your friend senses any danger around, he will scream.

Attention seeker

Your bird wants your attention. Budgies are very affectionate birds. He had a special attachment to the owner. In the early days, you may be giving it more time than now. Or maybe you fall deeply in love. So he wants you to always be around. You should tame him properly.

Whenever he sees you, he may scream. If you go there, he might stop. If you are leaving your room and he screams. don’t come back If you do this, he will think that if I scream, my master will surely come.

Your pet bird demands your attention. All you can do is buy another companion for it. This can reduce the yelling behavior and avoid approaching him when he exhibits this type of behavior.

Jealousy can be the reason

Two birds in the room can cause you trouble. If you’ve bought a new bird for the current one or bought another pet that’s giving it more time than it should. He will feel jealous. Even if you are smiling or laughing with your friends or family, they may show the same behavior.

Some budgies show this wild behavior. All you can do is make friends with your new bird. Give both birds equal time. Show love to both. If the problem persists, relocate your bird. It will be easier for both of you.

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Some budgies may prefer their separate cages.

Fear of the particular person

Sometimes your pet bird might scream whenever the specific person in the room exists. He is fearing from him due to some reasons. The person may torture or tease him when you are not there. He may yell at him. The person in the room may have a heavy look. He may a heavy voice or a extreme tone.

All you can do is to help both of the fellows to befriend with each other. This will keep his screams low.

Your budgie is getting bored

If you have only one child at home. He has no activities to do. There are no toys. No partner to play with. There is no window to see the sunlight or the outside environment, he is just locked in a closed room. This is a sign of extreme boredom. This is how you can get rid of boredom of your budgie.

Provide your bird with toys to play with. Toys are essential. These keep your pet busy. A variety of toys can help him entertain himself. You can read our toy buying guide here.

You can introduce a new partner. Both partners will enjoy themselves. Play with each other. Sometimes they even have fights where you need to hear more screams. But after that it will just be chatter.

Change the location of the cage. Place it near sunlight or a window, so it has access to the outside world. Give your birds room to fly. If the cage size is too small, replace it.

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Budgie is ill and needs medication

If the screaming is continuous and you have applied all the solutions I mentioned above your budgie might be ill and he has to go the vet. Mostly when they are ill , they remain quite. Do not confuse with the chirp and scream . Some birds are noisy and some have a calm nature just like humans. You can change the budgie if this issue ain’t solve.

You can stop budgies from screaming by following the below tips

  • Provide him darkness
  • Change the size of cage
  • Provide him the open environment
  • Don’t give attention when he scream for attention
  • Take him out
  • Keep the predator pets away
  • If he is alone, provide him partner