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What do budgies like to do for fun? 4 things

Mackenzie Gary



Budgies are known for being playful and lovingly interacting with their owners. But if you want your budgie to be happy and healthy, it’s important to give him plenty to do and things to think about. In this article, we will talk about some of the funniest things that budgies love to do.

1.Having fun with toys

The best way to keep kids busy and happy is by letting them play with toys. Here are some of the best toys that your budgie can have:


Budgies love to rock back and forth because it makes them feel like they are moving. A simple wooden swing can keep your budgie busy for a long time. You can also give your bird a variety of swings to keep it interested.


Budgies are very social birds that like to talk to other birds and even to themselves in the mirror. A small mirror can be a lot of fun to play with for your budgie. But you shouldn’t give your budgie a mirror that’s too big or that it might mistake for another bird.

Chew Toys:

Budgies have strong beaks and they like to chew. Giving them toys to chew on can keep their beaks healthy and give them something to do. You can choose from chew toys made of wood, paper or leather, among other materials.

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Ball Toys

Balls are another great toy for budgies. These are small balls made of plastic. They love using their beaks and feet to move the ball around, which can help them get better at coordination and motor skills. You can also try giving your budgie other types of balls, such as ping-pong balls or small plastic balls with bells inside.

When choosing toys for your budgie, it’s important to choose toys that are safe and right for your bird. Avoid toys that have small parts or could be a choking hazard.

You should also change your budgie’s toys frequently to keep things interesting and prevent your budgie from getting bored. Your budgie will never be bored again if you provide it with lots of fun and interesting toys.

2. Budgies loves to bath

Budgies love baths because they are naturally clean birds. You can buy a small bird bath or provide your budgie with a shallow dish of water so that he can splash in it. Some budgies even like it when their owners take a bath with them.

3. They love both flying and working out

Budgies are very active birds that love to fly and move about. It is important for their physical and mental health that they are given enough space to fly. You can get your budgie exercised by providing him with ladders, ropes, and other toys that he can use to climb.

4. Learning new tricks

You and your budgie can have tons of fun while you both learn new tricks. These smart birds are quick learners and love to show off what they’ve learned. Teaching your budgie new tricks not only gives them something to think about, but it can also help you bond closer to your feathered friend.

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You can teach your budgie fun tricks like playing dead man, bringing you treats, and ringing bells. Start by choosing a simple trick that your friend can pick up quickly, such as stepping on your finger when you say so.

Once your budgie knows how to do this trick, you can move on to more difficult tricks.

Your budgie needs to be trained with patience and consistency. Use positive reinforcement, such as treats or verbal praise, to get your bird to do what you want it to do. Training sessions should be short and frequent, and they should always end on a good note.

Don’t forget that not all budgies will want to learn tricks, so it’s important to respect your bird’s personality and preferences. But if you’re patient and keep at it, you might be surprised how much your budgie can learn.

Budgie cage accessories, you should keep in mind.

Questions people ask

Q: Do budgies like to be held?

Budgies love to spend time with their owners because they are social birds. But some budgies don’t like to be held, so it’s important to know your bird’s limits.

How often should I buy new toys for my budgie?

It’s a good idea to change up your budgie’s toys so he always has something new to play with and learn about. You can change them after 3 months or when they start loosing interest in them.


Budgies are social, active birds that need lots of things and places to go in order to stay happy and healthy. By giving your budgie toys, space to run and exercise, and learn new tricks, you can make your home a fun and exciting place for them to live.

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So, the next time you wonder, “What do budgies like to do for fun?” you know the answer. You’ll Know the Answer Is “A Lot